Tips for Writing Titles
One of the easiest things you can do to optimize your page is to write a title for it. You'd be surprised how many web pages don't have a title. To confirm that your web page has a title, open it in a browser and look up at the title line.
Now that you have a title, the best thing besides having good content is knowing how to write better titles. The most important thing to remember is that web page titles are normally read out of context: there is nothing else except for the title to tell people what your site is about (especially on a search engine listing).
Keep your titles short. The most common search engine cuts off titles at 64 characters. The other two top runners display more characters, but keeping it under 64 characters is a good practice.
Try to keep your most relevant keywords in the front. Make sure those keywords are on topic, precise, and represent your content. Search engines approximate word usage, so always place the keywords that matter at the beginning and close together. Keywords phrases that are split up and too far apart will not be considered as related.
Use separators instead of words such as AND or ALSO. Search engines ignore widely used words such as AND, OR, THE, etc. Instead, use characters such as a hyphen or vertical line. This will save space.
More on this topic later.